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Alpine chamois

Rupicapra rupicapra

Way of life: Nanny-goats with fawn and young bucks are seperated in herdes
Most of the old bucks are loner

Appearance: white spot at the trunk, white-washes to yellowish face stripes, short head with big eyes,
Hair dress in summer short and brownly, in winter almost black and long-haired, short tail, thin not more than 30 cm long horns which are bent hookedly behind at the end

Reproduction: Rut season is in the late fall
Gestation time 160 -170 days
1 to 2 young ones in May or June which follow the mother already after 1 -2 hours


Alpine chamois are excellent climbers. Their claws and anus claws prevent them from sinking into the snow and on soft ground. The soft sole surface adapts well to any unevenness in the rock and the individual joints of the legs are adjustable. This makes it possible for Alpine chamois to climb a thousand metres uphill in just a few minutes, even in bad terrain. They mark their territory with the occipital glands (scent glands at the bottom of the horn).

The Gamsbart is made from the elongated awn hairs along the back line.



High mountains from central and southern Europe up to the Caucasus; naturalized in New Zealand


Alpine forests and meadows, mixed deciduous and coniferous woodlands, rocky area; in the over the tree line in winter in the mountain woods forests


Grasses, herbs, leaves, buds, shoots


until 35 kg


Head – trunk length up to 140 cm; at most 30 cm long horns;

Erreichbares Alter:

about 20 years

Tierpaten Ehrentafel

  • ‘Burli’
    Korner Karl, Großraming



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