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Suricata suricatta

Meerkats belong to the mongoose family. They are very social and diurnal animals that live in colonies of up to 30 animals. These colonies consist of several families.

They like to snuggle up close to each other to keep in physical contact. The highest ranking female (the queen) provides for offspring, further female animals are forced into the role of helpers or killed.

Meerkats dig down to 3 m with the sharp claws of their front legs and build underground passages.

They like to stand on 2 legs to observe the surroundings. The dark spots around the eyes prevent the sun from blinding them when looking into the distance.

As soon as an enemy is in sight, the guards start barking or whistling to warn the others.

Meerkats are sexually mature with 10-12 months and their pregnancy last around 77 days. They can mate all around the year.



Drylands in southern Africa


savannah, semi-desert, dry plains


insects, small mammals, amphibians, fruits


up to 950 g


up to 35 cm

Erreichbares Alter:

10 – 14 years

Tierpaten Ehrentafel

  • Raiffeisenbank Region Amstetten
  • Modehaus Kutsam, Bad Hall – Sierning – Kirchdorf – St. Valentin – Schwertberg
  • Stinglmayr Renate, Krenglbach
  • Reiter Leni, Schwertberg
  • Aigelsreiter Doris, Wieselburg
  • ‘Resistance Special Agent Vivi’
    Osterer-Wahl Nivard, St. Valentin
  • ‘Kiano’, born 2. April 2019
    Asterid Primetshofer, Strengberg
  • ‘Jamaal’
    Oberleitner Emil, Kematen an der Krems



Audio Sounds
