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Panthera leo

Right after the tiger, the lion is the second largest of all big cats and one of the five big cats that can roar. Originally the lion comes from a much colder climate zone, the traces of the lion can be found mainly in southern Europe. Lions are very sociable animals and recognize each other by their smell.

The males have an imposing mane. They usually hunt in the morning and evening hours. Although the hunt is exclusively a matter of the females, the males eat first of the prey. With their cat like eyes, lions can also see well during the night. It was found out that lions can jump 3.5 m high and 20 m wide.





bush and savanna, light forest


carnivora: antelopes, zebras, gazelles, …


up to 225 kg


shoulder height up to 90 cm; total length up to 2,7 m;

Erreichbares Alter:

up to 10 years; in zoos up to 25 years

Tierpaten Ehrentafel

  • Michlmayr Lukas, Mayor of the Municipality of Haag and Managing Director of Haag Tourismus GmbH, Haag
  • Firma Gottwald GmbH & Co KG, Melk
  • Ramlah:
    Königsberger-Ludwig Ulrike, Member of the National Council and Vice-Mayor of the Municipality of Amstetten, Amstetten
  • CarismaTeam naturally, DHPPS, St. Pölten
  • ‘Mufasa’, born 28.05.2021
    Aigelsreiter Sonja, Buchhaltung, Wieselburg



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