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Tawny owl

Strix aluco

As brood-places, tree-caves, crevices, niches on attics, fox – u. badger-construction, high-situations, abandoned nests of big birds or self-scratched hollows at the ground serve.

The tawny owl adapts easily. Usually 3 – 5 eggs are laid and bred for about 28 days. The young are born blind. Owls have excellent hearing and can see well in low light. Their dense, soft plumage allows a silent flight. The tawny owl hunts at dusk or at night, both from a raised hide and in flight. As it is a skilful bird hunter, its population decreases less in harsh winters than in owl species that depend mainly on mice.





Europe, Asia, North Africa


woodlands, parks, rocky terrain


Small mammals up to the size of rats and birds, frogs, lizards, possibly fish, larger insects and earthworms


up to 470 grams


up to 38 cm

Erreichbares Alter:

until 28 years of age

Tierpaten Ehrentafel

  • Firma Josef Lehner GmbH, Amstetten
  • ‘Marley’
    Schneiber Tobias, Fahrafeld, Pottenstein
  • ‘Mimo’
    Brandner Elina, Sankt Peter in der Au



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